The good thing about starting a business is that you’re not the only one. You may feel alone and lost but in reality, you’re not. There are over 305 million small businesses all over the world with more than 472 million entrepreneurs. For one thing, modern technology has made it feasible for us to learn from each other easily. Presently, we can read books from people on the other side of the globe without having to meet them personally. As a small business owner, you should be reading books constantly. Because we live in a shared reality, the challenges you are facing in your business may have been solved by someone else. Reading books by other small business owners and big-time successful business owners will impact your growth. In short, here are 5 books you should be reading as a small business owner.
1. Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
This is a classic business book that offers critical insight into what causes a person to achieve greatness. Even though It was first published in 1937 it’s still relevant today, in 2022. If you are constantly asking yourself how to succeed in your small business, then this book is your answer.
2. The 4-Hour Workweek – Timothy Ferriss
Being constantly overworked as a small business owner is very common. However, Ferriss says that this shouldn’t always be the case; he offers insight into how life could be in a brighter sense. By telling his story as an overworked entrepreneur and how he achieved a better work-life balance. You do not have to give up your entire life to see your business succeed. Get a step-by-step guide on how to reduce your workweek so that you can have time for yourself and your loved one(s).
3. The $100 Startup – Chris Guillebeau
Have you ever felt like you need a lot of money before you can start a business? Well, Guillebeau says otherwise, in his book, he emphasizes the point that starting a business does not need to cost a fortune. All you need is a good plan. Read his case studies of 50 individuals who earn at least $50,000 from an investment below $100.
4. The Personal MBA – Josh Kaufman
You don’t need to attend a business school before you can understand some business fundamentals. Kaufman’s book explains the fundamentals of building a successful business even as a layperson. Learn how to master productivity, decision-making and experimentation as well as the mechanics of building a profitable empire in the business world.
5. MONEY: Master the Game – Tony Robbins
In this book, Robins shares financial secrets from 50 of the world’s best financial experts. Including interviews with billionaires like Warren Buffett and Carl Icahn. His language is simple and comprehensible to the average person, making it ideal for beginners. This is your chance to learn from successful people who like you, were struggling to grow their businesses just a few years ago.
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